Thursday, 28 April 2011

Early Days

Down here in Extended Spring, we have over 50 players, which is enough to make two teams. But seeing as we only play one game a day, not all 50 players will be in the game. Every second day, our team goes on the road to play the Orioles, Rays or Red Sox, so that means that about 30 players will get to stay back at the complex and work out instead of going on the road. Seeing as we don't have a game to play, we are usually done at the field before midday, which gets a lot of people excited.

When we get these early days at the field, I usually like to just go back to my room and relax, watch a movie or go for a swim in the pool. This is the best time to just sit back and enjoy the extra time off, seeing as these early days don't come around too often for players. Since Extended Spring has started, I've had 3 early days, on many occasions I have had to pitch in a road game, and also been sent to just chart the game on the road.

Guys with cars will usually go run some errands with the extra time they have, or even skip lunch at the field and go somewhere else to have a more enjoyable meal.

As I write this entry, my room mate Jacob Younis still isn't back from the road trip to Sarasota where he played the Orioles, I have been in my room since 12:45pm today. So I have had an extra 4 hours to relax, which I use to its full advantage.

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